Monday, May 15, 2023

Organic Fungicide Manufacturer



Fungicides are typically used to control parasitic fungi that harm crops or decorative plants economically or risk domestic animals or people health. Organic Fungicide is bio-chemical compounds. It is an effective product that protects plants from all types of fungal diseases. It provides germinating seeds, roots & developing shoots from diseases in soil. It controls root rot, stem rot, black rot, and ring spot.

Jaivik Crop Care highly provides the Organic Fungicide Manufacturing, Supplying & Exporting. Neem Oil, Horticultural Oil, Bicarbonates is a part of Organic Fungicide. Any harmful agent intended to kill or stop the growth of fungus is referred to as a fungicide often known as an antimycotic. They are more specialized in application & provide protection & control over numerous forms of fungi; synthetic organic chemicals are more frequently used.

Types of Organic Fungicide:-

·       Preventive or Curative

·       Single Site or Multi-site

·       Narrow Spectrum or Broad-spectrum

·       Organic and Inorganic Fungicides

Brief Description of Organic Fungicide:-

1.  Preventive or Curative: - Fungicide act is protective barrier & prevents infection from occurring. When the active fungicide ingredient is present in plant tissue, the pathogen’s early expansion of the plant tissues is stopped. This is known as curative or early infection action.

2. Single Site or Multi-site:- Single Site Fungicides are single-gene mutations that confer resistance & Multi Site Fungicide is multi-gene mutations of simultaneous occurrence to confer resistance.

3. Narrow Spectrum or Broad-spectrum:- Narrow Spectrum Fungicide is used for closely related pathogens & Broad Spectrum Fungicide is used for often control a wide range of unrelated pathogens & it is generally used for single site activity.

4. Organic and Inorganic Fungicides: - Organic Fungicide at the first sign of disease are safe & effective treatments that can be applied to plants & Inorganic Fungicide is the most known and used for copper and sulfur.

Benefits of Organic Fungicide:-

·  Boost crop production & yields as well as plant and new foliage growth

·  Organic Fungicides are used to kill or prevent the growth offungi and spores

·  It in protected fruits like grapes tubers and vegetables

·  Fungicide seeds will help them to develop into applying for mature plants

·  It is the effective range of diseases like snow mold or mildew


Best Fungicide to Use:-

·  Systemic Fungicide:-

·  Contact Fungicide:-


Brief Description of Fungicide Use:-

1. Systemic Fungicide: - Fungus diseases are used for acts like a barrier against & meant for more long-term application.

2. Contact Fungicide: - A contact fungicide will start working to get rid of any fungi as soon as it comes in contact with the surface of the plant.

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